Simple And Effective Ways To Control Acne


Acne control includes unclogging pores, eliminating bacteria, and reducing excessive oils.

According to the old saying, "an ounce prevention is worth a thousand cures"

What are the best ways for controlling and preventing acne?

Remember the basics of healthy living: Eat well, drink 6-8 glasses of water daily and get enough sleep (8-9 hours).

Fish oil supplements are a great way to control acne.

Fish oils are rich in EPA and DHA fatty acid as well as omega-3, and omega-6 oils.

These elements are the basis of prostaglandins, which are found in the human body.

Prostaglandins, which are chemical hormones, help maintain optimal functioning in all organs and cells of the body.

They prevent the release of androgen hormones that cause excessive oil production.

Use mild soap-free cleansers like Cetaphil, Dove Purpose, or Neutrogena to keep your skin free from dirt and other surface impurities.

Masks and exfoliating creams can also be helpful for controlling acne. They gently remove dead skin cells. Be careful not to choose one that is too abrasive.

An effective way to reduce acne is to use an astringent, or toner, to remove excess oil from your skin.

Many people with acne find benzoyl peroxide products too drying or harsh for their skin.

Acne can be caused by stress so make sure you are not stressed.

Stress can lead to a vicious cycle where too much stress causes oil production, which in turn leads to more skin problems. The acne that results from this process tends stress the sufferer more.



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