Seven Ways To Decrease Or Eliminate Your Depression


Depression can be a draining illness. This is quite common in survivors of sexual abuse. It is something I've experienced many times. It can be hereditary, as it was in my case (4 of 5 sisters have it). You may also experience it as a result of traumatic events, such as a divorce or the loss of a loved one.

If you're able to recall your abuse, the cause may be significant. This is an excellent time to start therapy and start your recovery journey. Sometimes, the cause is irrelevant. It is important to know how to treat it, and what signs it may present if it returns.

Seven ways I can help you reduce or eliminate your depression.

1) Eat right - This means that you must eat. Depression can make it seem like you don't want anything to eat or that you are constantly eating. It is vital that your body receives healthy nutrients in order to restore balance. You can eat smaller meals throughout the day if you are unable to eat large meals. Make sure to eat green vegetables and fish, as well as chicken and fish. Your protein, and particularly your vitamin B, which aids with stress, are essential. If your doctor does not contraindicate, you can take a supplement.

2) Get enough sleep. Again, depression is characterized by a lack of sleep or excessive sleep. We are trying to find a happy middle ground. You can feel more depressed if you get too much or too little sleep. You may feel tired if you don't get enough sleep or if you have repetitive thoughts in your head. Try reading before you go to bed, watching TV, and exercising before you go to bed to make sure you are getting enough sleep. Relax with a partner or husband by giving you a massage. You can do anything. If you are unable to sleep, don't stay awake. Do something, then get up again. This will allow you to only associate sleep with bed.

2) Get outside: Why? Because it puts you back in touch with the world of the living. I find it especially beneficial to walk in the woods to take in the beauty and sounds. It is the sound of birds chirping that can help. Sunshine is good for depression, so let the sun shine on you and enjoy it! Breathe in the fresh air. Even if it is hard to get up from your couch or bed, even if it seems impossible, get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Even if it's a minor task, go on an important errand. You CAN do it if you try!

4) Exercise I used to think, "Yeah, right!" You want me to do ?!!". I have trouble standing up. You are right, I'm sure. But before you ignore it completely, let me tell you that exercise releases endorphins which naturally reduce depression. Exercise does not necessarily mean you need to take up aerobics or do anything intense. To start, you should just walk around your block or as far as you can bear the first time. Every time you walk, increase your endurance and your distance. If you have Wii Fit, you can also use it to increase your endurance and distance. You can use it for Yoga, which I find very helpful. It's important to get your body moving. Although it may seem painful initially, you will notice a significant improvement in your body's ability to move.

5) Relaxation Techniques: There are many videos that will show you how to relax and other relaxation techniques. You can also learn these techniques yourself. This is done by starting at the top of your body (your head), and then relaxing by the count three. Continue this until your body feels relaxed down to your toes.
Whatever it is that you love, relaxation is also a key component. It may not feel right at the moment, but you can try. Sometimes, just going through the motions can be helpful. You can write, draw, fish, sing, or dance to find peace, even if it's only for a minute. Find your "place" of peace, or a place where you feel secure, safe and free from stress. It basically means that you should try to picture yourself in a safe and comfortable place. It is important to visualize it and remember it. This will help you to calm down when you feel stressed. With practice, you can quickly mentally return to that place.

6) Keep a pet as a pet: Sounds simple? It is simple! Studies have shown that pet owners are less stressed. It is so relaxing to have a pet cat or dog. They will always love you unconditionally, and they only want to please. What more could you ask for? There are more and more nursing homes, hospitals, etc. Because they recognize its value, more hospitals and nursing homes are offering pet therapy to their residents. You can try it yourself. You'll be glad that you did.

7) Act as if ..": This saying is well-known to anyone who has ever been in a recovery program. It means that even if you feel depressed, you should try to act as if you're not. Just go about your day. Maintaining a routine is crucial. People who are depressed tend to lose their routines and find it difficult to return to it. It does not necessarily mean you will feel happy and free from depression, but it does help you to find a purpose and a routine. This is not an easy task, I can attest to it. It doesn't mean it won't work, but you have to give it a shot.

If you are interested in using them, I have listed seven easy ways to reduce or relieve your depression symptoms. They are simple and easy to use. I hope you give them a shot. Now you have the tools. It is up to your decision whether to use them.

Have a great day and keep your fingers crossed. Positive thinking can also have a lot to do with how you feel.
All of you, blessings!



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